This code defines the private variable ( nothing is visible unless annotated as shared), and then the initialization logic. 这段代码定义私有变量(除非注释为shared的,否则所有元素都是不可见的),然后定义初始化逻辑。
With these new database object, the users can easily build complex systems where information can be shared between SQL statemetns without any application logic to support the transfer of information. 通过使用这些新的数据库对象,用户可以轻松构建复杂的系统,其中可以在各个SQL语句之间共享信息,同时不需要使用任何应用程序逻辑就可支持信息传递。
This article also provides a minimal client that uses this shared object, thus shielding developers from the complexity of the skin logic. 本文还给出了一个使用此共享对象的最简客户机,这样可以使用户不必受复杂的外壳逻辑的困扰。
Immutability confers a number of benefits, the chief one being that Rope instances can be shared without precaution in a multithreaded environment, thereby greatly simplifying program logic. 不可修改有许多好处,第一条好处就是不用考虑多线程环境就能共享Rope的实例,从而简化了程序的逻辑。
Activity should operate on this shared data token by reading from it and writing to it, while performing business logic defined by this activity. 活动应该通过读写来操作这一共享的数据token,同时执行由这个活动所定义的业务逻辑。
Shared logic word processing equipment 共享逻辑字词处理设备
Civil society is an autonomous body tied together by region and shared rights, which has inherent logic and rule of its own. 民间社会是一个以地域和权利为纽带,具有自己独立的内在运行逻辑和规则的自治体。
It provides components which can be shared by the development of the service, so that people just need to focus on service development and service process logic. 它提供了能够为开发的业务所共享的、可复用的业务构件,使人们在业务开发时只需要关注业务流程逻辑,从而简化业务开发的过程。
The dual RAM is an effective and mature framework between acquisition interface and the shared data of CPU, it fuses the user logic and dual logic more flexible bus protocol interface than traditional dual RAM. 双口RAM是采集接口和CPU共享数据资源的一个有效且成熟的构架,将用户逻辑与双口逻辑有机融合,与传统双口RAM相比具有更加灵活的总线协议接口。